Ongoing Projects
We have been working on fence and water tank projects on the range. If you would like to help please contact Judy.
Additional Help
FOM members are asked to help clean the restrooms at Low Gap and North Soda whenever they are in the area.
BLM Contract & Risk Management Worksheet
FOM signs a yearly contract with the BLM, and the document title is Memorandum of Understanding Between the Bureau of Land Management and Friends of the Mustangs.
The BLM has a Risk Management Worksheet that coincides with the contract and provides important information for volunteers when participating in FOM activities and projects with the BLM. Go to the Members Only page on this website to download and review the form. Non-members participating in on-range activities need to sign a form on the day of the event.
Liability Release Form
All who want to participate in workdays need to sign a release form or, if under 18, have a parent or guardian sign the form. Click HERE to download the form.
First Annual Mustang-Only Horse Show in Meeker, Colorado
August 22, 2025
Celebrate the spirit of the American Mustang at the First Annual Mustang-Only Horse Show, hosted by the Meeker Mustang Makeover. This exciting event will take place on August 22nd in Meeker, Colorado, in conjunction with the renowned 120-Day Mustang Makeover Challenge.
Show off your Mustang’s unique talents and abilities in a variety of classes tailored specifically for these incredible horses. With limited entries available per class, be sure to register early to secure your spot! Detailed class descriptions can be found on the Mustang Only Horse Show Registration Form or by visiting the Meeker Mustang Makeover Website
Don't miss this opportunity to connect with fellow Mustang enthusiasts and showcase your horse. For more information, contact the Horse Show Coordinator:
Kristin Jacob
Blue Star Farms:
(925) 487-2009