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Updated: Jul 1, 2022

Sunshine is a very light colored palomino mare born in 2010. She is nine years old. She has a blaze and left rear sock; you have to look hard to see the markings. She looks a lot like her granddam Cloud. You have to look hard to tell them apart.

Sunshine is out of Onyx, a black stallion, and Butterscotch, a darker palomino mare. This is a very elusive band. To see this band is a treat. They don’t stick around for long. Cloud is the lead mare and is very snorty. She whirls around and takes the band to a safe place.

Sunshine has never had a foal. This band hangs out past Round Mountain in the Low Gap area, down in the ravines where they are not easily seen, and on the backside of Paradise Valley. They go to where the feed is and due to the drought they have been feeding on the winter pasture. The Friends of the Mustangs would like Sunshine to find a home with nice people who will care for her and teach and train her to live in her new environment. Please stay in contact with us and let us know her progress. Thanks.

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