14- to 26-year-old horses
The photos below include the horse’s name, AGE THE HORSE WILL BE IN JUNE 2025 (the timeframe of the adoption event), and gender. Click on an image to see a larger version and to see additional information we have about the horse.

He is of moderate height and slender build.

This beautiful guy is one of our icons. He had the same mares in his band for over a decade and they were all closely bonded. He would greet the few people he encountered with a soft snort. He has moderate height and a solid build.

He was a bachelor for much of his life. He is of moderate height and build.

This is a mellow stallion who saw people often and barely acknowledged their presence. He is tall and built.

He is another of our icons with his gorgeous mane and stocky build. He encountered people often. He is on the short and stocky side.

She looks fantastic for her age; this photo is from last summer. She is a tall, nicely built mare.

She is a nice grulla mare that encountered people often.

She is tall and nicely muscled. She was in Adobe's band for many years.

This is another moderate height blue roan. He was typically calm around people.

He was a band stallion for many years with the same 3 mares. He lost his mares a year ago because of aging.

She is a big, healthy mare. She encountered people often.

Gorgeous mare of moderate size.

She is moderate height and somewhat stocky. She was in Adobe's band for many years.

She is also a big, healthy mare who saw people often.

She is a pretty grulla mare, daughter to Coquette.

A pretty tri-colored pinto. She was with Drummer for many years.

This is one healthy, tough mare. Every winter she would lead Traveler's band down the steep and rugged Tellerico trail to winter on those slopes. She's always held good body weight and stayed fit on that rugged terrain.

She had many foals over the years because PZP did not work on her. She was always a good mom, but now hopefully it is her turn for some TLC.

She is a big, beautiful mare that is built more like a stallion.

This photo does not do her justice. She is a tall, well-muscled mare. She looks fantastic for her age.

She is beautiful, just like her full sibling Kestrel. She has very soft eyes.

She is such a pretty bay. She watches people intently, as if she's trying to figure us out.

You can't get much more mellow than this sweet boy. He was the satellite stallion to Traveler for many years, always having his back when other stallions tried to steal the mares. He is very calm around people.

A nicely built chestnut.